
Convert website visitors into new sales

Capture leads directly from your website automatically and convert them via the power of text messaging. Start seeing ROI in minutes.


Trusted by companies big and small

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Convenient, simple, and all over text.


Collect website visitor contact information automatically

Textchat takes the conversations to text, customers can buy products & services with the convenience of a simple text. Being the fastest business to respond, convert new sales, book appointments, and more.

Instant notifications

Get notified instantly when a new customer has a question for you. Your business is alerted when a website visitor is looking for an answer.


Make communicating easier with Departments

Give your customers the option to speak with your customized departments with a click of a button.

Quickly capture leads

Automatically save website visitor's name and phone number.


Textchat beats traditional live chat

Textchat happens over text message, so customers take their conversations with you where ever you go.

Use AI to answer FAQ's

Free up time for your team with the power of Chekkit's AI by answering customer support questions, and effortlessly starting sales conversations - ensuring customers never have to wait on you. Chekkit's AI makes teams 2X more efficient.



Integrate the softwares you already use

Slack logoShopify logoGoogle Sheets logoPestroutes logo
Instagram logoGoogle Logo
Gmail logoRateMD logoHouz logoAIM logo
Zapier logoService titan logoService M8 logo
Technology abstract background image

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