
Send texts, get reviews, make more sales

95% of customers read online reviews before making purchase decisions. Effortlessly get 5 star reviews, stand out from the competition, drive revenue, and new customer sales with the power of Chekkit’s online review tools.

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Trusted by companies big and small

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Grow your business by simply sending a text message.


Make getting new customers easy by being the #1 rated business in your area

Get a new review in 30 seconds or less with the convenience of text messaging. What does this mean for your business? Effortless growth.

Dominate Google searches

More 5 star Google reviews means you will rise to the top of Google local searches. Convert more online searches into customers quickly. More 5 star reviews simply means more new customers.

Google Reviews
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Be the preferred choice

Given two services with similar ratings, consumers are more likely to buy the service with more reviews. Who is it going to be, you or your competitor?
(Psychological Science)

Manage and respond to all your reviews from one place

Integrate with Google, Facebook, and other industry specific review platforms and never miss a review.

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Thousands of new leads are actively searching on Google every day

Don't let a bad review scare them away.


Integrate the softwares you already use

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